Helpful Links
The educational programs, projects, and resources created or supported by the Hawai‘i Space Grant Consortium are designed for teachers, librarians, and students, and are aligned with Hawai‘i State and National Educational Goals and Standards for Science, Technology, Math, and Geography.
- NASA History Program Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NASA Homepage, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NASA HQ Historical Reference Collection with historically significant correspondence, memoranda, reports, and photographs.
- NASA Jobs, Employment Opportunities in our Nation's Space Program
- NASA Missions, Alphabetical list of missions.
- NASA Office of the Chief Engineer.
- NASA Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity.
- NASA Organization Sturcture, Agency organization.
- NASA Strategic Plan (2018) (64-page .pdf document)
- NASA One Stop Shopping Initiative (OSSI), contains student internship, fellowship, and scholarship applications.
- NASA News
- NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
- NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate
- NASA's Science Mission Directorate
- NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate
- IBP Pathway to Science, links to NASA internships, fellowships, and scholarships.
- EOS, NASA's Earth Observing System
- EOS IDS Volcanology Team
- Virtually Hawai‘i (Remote sensing images of Hawai‘i)
- International Space Station
- NASA Ames, Nanotechnology Research
- NASA EPSCoR homepage
- NASA EPSCoR CAN guidelines and procedures from the HSGC Director (2-page .pdf document)
- NASA's Human Health and Safety Research
- NASA's Earth Science
- NASA Education
- NASA National Space Grant homepage
- NASA National Space Grant 2015 Distinguished Service Award on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram
- NASA National Space Grant: History of the program
- NASA National Space Grant: Logos and Graphics
- NASA Strategic Plan (2018) (64-page .pdf document)
- Planetary Science Research Discoveries: educational magazine
- Science at NASA
University of Hawai‘i
- Hawai‘i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
- Hawai‘i Space Flight Laboratory (HSGC Workforce Development Program)
- Hokulani Imaginarium (Windward Community College planetarium and multi-media facility)
- Institute for Astronomy
- NASA Pacific Regional Planetary Data Center
- ScholarSpace at UH Library collection of Space Grant Fellowship Reports and Newsletters.
- School of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology (SOEST)
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
- University of Hawai‘i homepage.
- Astronaut Ellison Onizuka Day, held January in Hilo.
- Astronaut Lacy Veach Day, held October in Honolulu.
- Easybotics: educational robotics kits.
- Future Flight Hawai‘i
- Hawai‘i Department of Education
- Hawai‘i Robotics Organizing Committee (ROC)
- More about Hawai'i Space Grant Consortium.
- Tour Through the Solar System: high-school lesson plans & hands-on activities
Educational Links
- Cosmochemistry Illustrated slide sets
- Exploring Planets in the Classroom - Hands-on lessons
- Hawai‘i to Mars: Culturally Relevant Lessons
- Notes about ultraviolet detecting beads
- Space Science Activities Hawaiian Style
- Future Flight Hawai‘i - year-round, in-school programs for grades 2-7; teacher training
- Tour Through the Solar System - Lesson plans, hands-on experiments, and teacher tutorials for high school. The curriculum was developed for a six-week summer session of Upward Bound by our colleagues Jeffrey Gillis-Davis and Sarah Sherman (Hawai‘i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology) and Joe Ciotti (HSGC and Windward Community College).
- BrushBot Olympics program - Entry-level robotics concepts.
- Easybotics - Online source for educational robotics kits.
- Hawai‘i Robotics - Programs and events.
Meteorites, Asteroids, Planets, Moons and Stardust
- Planetary Science Research Discoveries educational journal