2015 Japan Super Science Fair Team Presentation at Ritsumeikan High School in Kyoto, Japan
Hawai‘i Space Grant Consortium is pleased to celebrate the achievements of six students who participated in the 2015 Japan Super Science Fair (JSSF) last week in Kyoto, Japan. Darrell Huang, Peter Johnson, Moana Kimura, Christly Yoshizawa (Kalani High School), Nicole Jao and Carter Nakamoto (Punahou School) together completed a research project about Mars with HSGC/HIGP mentors Jeff Taylor and Linda Martel. They worked with data from the CheMin instrument onboard the Curiosity rover of NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission. The students gave a slide presentation and poster at JSSF about their investigation of clay minerals and the story of water on Mars. For more please visit the JSSF 2015 website and NASA’s Curiosity Rover website. Photo courtesy of Art Kimura.