Abdullah | Ghafoor | Fellow | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Abdullah | Kalil | Trainee | F04, F07 | Manoa | Molecular Biotechnology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Abing | Omar | Fellow | S92, F92 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Achenbach | Mark | Trainee | F17, S18 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ackeren | Brayden Van | Fellow, Trainee | S13, F12, S12 | Manoa | Economics | Site Reliability Engineer, Argo Al - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Acoba | John | Intern | SUM17 | Kauai | Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Acosta | Jericho | Trainee | S19 | KCC | Pre-Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Acosta | Noah | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Adachi | Kelan | Fellow | SUM09, SUM10 | ~ | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Adonara | Elizabeth | | S10 | ~ | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Adra | Ralp Martin | Group Research Intern | S24 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Learning Assistant for Math w/ Monique Chyba | Currently Pending | |
Agabin | Dominic | | SUM14 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Agcaoili | Charles Agbayani | Trainee | F10, SUM10 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Agor | Evan | Trainee | F10 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Agu | Bransen | Trainee | F13, S14 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Field Technician, TRAX Internation Corportation - Linkedin | Profile | |
Ahue | William | Intern | SUM06, F07 | Manoa | Meteorology | Incident Meterologist, National Weather Service - Linkedin | Profile | |
Aiu | Bryson | Trainee | S13 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Aiu | Victoria | | F15 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Akagi | Jason | Fellow | F05 | Manoa | Electrical Eningeering | Director of Engineering, Spectrum Photonics - Linkedin | Profile | |
Akagi | Justin | Fellow | F05, S07 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Engineer, Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific - Linkedin | Profile | |
Akaka | Puanani | Fellow | F93, S94 | Manoa | Film Production | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Akana | Dutch | Trainee | F16, S17 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Akemoto | Ashten | Research Intern | S22, F22, S23 | Manoa | Computer Engineering | Robotics Engineer, Normal Corportation - Linkedin | Profile | |
Akins | Sapphira | GRI | S23, F23, S24 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineer Aerospace Focus | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Albano | Daryl | Trainee | F16, S17 | Hilo | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Albarran | Robert | Intern | SUM11 | Hilo | Astronomy / Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Albert-Thenet | Charlotte | Fellow | S91, F91, S92 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Alfiler | Taylor | Intern | SUM09, SUM12 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Associate System Engineer, Booz Allen Hamilton - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Alhambra, Jr. | V. | TI | S23 | WCC | Cybersecurity/Cyber Operations | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Allard-Mahoney | Kaina | Project Imua | SUM15, F15, S16, F16 | Kauai | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Allen | Robert | Trainee | SUM05, F05, S06, F06, S07 | HCC | CENT | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Alyward | Sean | Trainee | S12 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Amandolagine | James | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ambard | Alexander | Fellow | F06, S07,S09 | Manoa | Planetary Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Amendola | Chris | HSFL | | | Mechanical Engineering | Artemis Systems Integrator, Hawaii Space Flight Laboratory - Linkedin | Profile | |
AmesII | Premitivo | Trainee | S07, F07, S08, F08, S09, F09, S10 | WCC | Nursing | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ammerman | Peter | Fellow | SUM 98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Amonette | Samuel | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Anderson | Tiffany | GG 460 | S06 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ando | Jordan | ERTH460 | S24 | Manoa | Astrophysics, Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Andonian | Michael | Fellow, Intern | SUM11, SUM10, S10, F09 | Manoa | Mathematics | Senior Member of Technical Staff, The Aerospace Corporation - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Andrews | Michael | Trainee | F18 | WCC | Astrophysics with Minor is Philosophy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Angara | Fides | Fellow | F92, S92 | Manoa | Physics | Software Test Engineer, GE Transportation - Linkedin | Profile | |
Apilando | Damien | Project Imua | F16, S17, F17, S18 | WCC | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Arakaki | Kristi | Fellow | S99 | Manoa | Biology / Accounting | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Arakawa | Nikki | Trainee Intern | F21, S22, F22 | WCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Arakawa | Nikki | Trainee | S23 | WCC | Electrical engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ariyoshi | Ethan | | SUM21, F21, S22 | Manoa | Aerospace Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Aromin | Allen Jake | Fellow | S17, F17 | UOG | Emphasis Social Studies | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Asaoka | Cameron | Trainee | S17 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Au | Collin | Trainee | S12, F12, S13 | Leeward | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Augustin | Lindsey | Trainee | F19, S20 | HCC | Aerospace Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Auten | Kelsey | Intern | SUM10 | Manoa | Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Axelson | Jason | Fellow | F08, S09, F09 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering / Compute Science | Engineering Manager, Felt - Linkedin | Profile | |
Ayau | Jessica | Fellow | F08, S08 | Manoa | Education | Program Coordinator, Hawaii Academy of Science - Linkedin | Profile | |
Ayson | Kristine | Fellow | S06, S05 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Babcock | Jonathan | GG 460 | S07 | Manoa | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Badua | Aden | Trainee | F22, S23, SUM 23 | WCC | Information and Computer Sciences | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bagano | Cy | Trainee | F10 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bagnall | Tyler | Research Intern | F20,S21 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Manufacturing Engineer, Blue Engineer - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Bailey | Andrew | Research Intern | F20, S21 | Manoa | Business Admin | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Balabis | Karen | Fellow | F90, F91, S92 | Manoa | Geology and Geophysics | Regional Enviromental Training Coordinator - Linkedin | Profile | |
Balbin | William | Trainee | F12 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Certified Medical Assistant, Wilcox Kaui Medical Clinic - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Balderama | Catherine | UG Sponsorship | S09 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Project Support Engineer, Southwest Regional Maintenance Center - Linkedin | Profile | |
Barber | Tianna | Trainee | F16, S17 | WCC | Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Barbour | Elena | Project Imua | F14,S15, F15, S16 | ~ | Computer Engineering | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Barden | William | Trainee | F14 | Hilo | Astronomy | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Bareng | Jeffrey | Trainee | S17 | Leeward | Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Barit | Dexter | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Barker | Benjamin | Trainee | S14 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Barnes | Jessica | GG 460 | S11 | ~ | ~ | Geoscientist, Cantium - Linkedin | Profile | |
Barsoumian | Kristen | Trainee | F12, S13, F13, S14 | WCC | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bauer | Jonathan | Fellow | F06, S10 | Leeward | Geology/Political Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bayang | Jordan | Trainee | S13 | Leeward | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Beach-Smith | Malie | GG 460 | S08 | Manoa | Geology and Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Becker | Christopher | Fellow | S90, F90 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Beggs | William | Trainee | S07, F07, S08 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Belen | Rae-zan | Trainee | S13 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bell | Matthew | Fellow | S05, F05 | Manoa | Anthropology | GIS Analyst and Archaeologist, International Arc- Linkedin | Profile | |
Bellah | Rachel | Fellow | S19, F19 | Manoa | Geology | Laboratory Technician, Haley & Aldrich - Linkedin | Profile | |
Beltran | Ian | Fellow | SUM 97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bennett | Jackie | Fellow | S00 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bennett | Vann | Fellow | F06, S06 | ~ | Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bennett-Jeremiah | Knyte | Project Imua | F17 | HCC | Computer Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Benson | Anela | Fellow | F05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bergonio | Justin | Fellow | S13, F12, S12, F11 | Manoa | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Berney | Kyle | Fellow | F12, S12 | Manoa | Computer Science / Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Beyer | Jennifer | Fellow | S11 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Science Copyeditor, Freelance - Linkedin | Profile | |
Bieniasz | Kimberly | Fellow | SUM08 | Manoa | Biology and Economics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Binstead | Kimberly | GG 460 | S08 | Manoa | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bio | Justin Lucas | Trainee | F22 | Maui | Electronics and Computer Engineering Tech | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Birchard | Thomas | Fellow | F92, S93, F93 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bisel | Phillip | Fellow | S91 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bishop | Caleb | Intern | SUM16 | California Institute of Technology | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bishop | James | Fellow | SUM11, S11, F10 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Engineering Geologist, Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board - Linkedin | Profile | |
Bishop | Ryan | Fellow | S11, F10 | Hilo | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Blackston | William | Fellow | F91 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Blake | Christopher | Trainee | F17, S17 | KCC | Pre~Engineering, Natural Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Blas | Amy | Trainee | S09, S08, F08 | ~ | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bleecker | William | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bochicchio | Christopher | GG 460 | S05 | Manoa | Geology / Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Boeder | Dominique | Trainee, Intern | S13, S14, SUM14 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Boeman | Dylan | Project Imua | F17, SUM17, S18 | WCC | Pre~ Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bolanos | Michelle | Trainee Intern | S22, SUM22, F22, S23 | UH Hilo | Physics/Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Borgida | Jason | Fellow | S20 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Systems Design Engineer II, Blue Orgin - Linkedin | Profile | |
Borsuk | Aleca | Fellow | S16 | Kauai | Mechanical Engineering | NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Brodersen Group - Yale University | Profile | |
Bortoluzzi | Camila | HSFL Temp. Hire | S14 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Sr. Manufacturing Engineer - Ceramic Matrix Composites, Rolls Royce - Linkedin | Profile | |
Boston | Brian | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Botelho | Cyril | Trainee | S11 | Kauai | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bott | Eric | Fellow | F99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Brad | Wilcox | | S09, F08, SUM08 | ~ | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bradley | Michelle | Fellow | F06, S07 | Manoa | Interdisiplinary Studies/Science Education | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bradley | Romine | GG 460 | S06 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bragg | Jennifer | Trainee | S19, F19 | Hilo | Mathematics, Physics | Junior Research Assistant, Subaru Telescope - Linkedin | Profile | |
Bredall | John | Trainee | F19 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bressert | Eli | Fellow | S06, F05, (2003-2006) | Hilo | Astronomy and Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Brittan | Amy | | F15 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Britton | Nathan | Fellow | S08, F07 | Manoa | Computer Science & Japanese | Deputy Director of Systems Engineering, Firefly Aerospace - Linkedin | Profile | |
Bronston | Katherine | Trainee | F18 | WCC | Mathematics | Trust Administration Specialist, Bank of Hawaii - Linkedin | Profile | |
Brook | Doyle | Trainee | F06, S06 | ~ | ECE | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Brooks | Carrie | Fellow, Summer Intern | F19, SUM20 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Research Assistant - NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, ANRE Technologies Inc. - Linkedin | Profile | |
Brouwer | Gweudolyn | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | EPS | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Brown | Jenny | Trainee | F22 | KCC | Mechanical Engineerin | Rsearch Intern, Hawaii Space Grant Consortium Internship - Linkedin | Profile | |
Burciaga | Donald | Fellow | F90, F91, S92 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Busek | Adam | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Buyacao | Danthone | Trainee | F19, S20 (Was not eligible for funding; not a US citizen) | HCC | Civil Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Bynes III | James | Trainee | S16, S15,S13, F12, S12 | ~ | Electrical Engineering | Senior Electrical Engineer, Raytheon Intelligence & Space - Linkedin | Profile | |
Cabero | Lenard | Trainee Intern | S22 | HCC | Natural Sciences | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Cacapit | Ahmyia | | S20,F20 | UOG | Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Caccamise | Dana | Fellow | F95, S96 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Cai | YuMing | Fellow | S10, F09, S09 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Estimator, PCL Construction - Linkedin | Profile | |
Caldwell | Eric | Fellow | F13, S14 | Manoa | Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Camburn | Claire | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Cammack | Makenzie | GRI | S22 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Teaching Assistant, The Faculty of Engineer at Lund University | Profile | |
Canonigo | Janum | Trainee Intern | F20, S21 | HCC | Natural Sciences | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Cantu | Bridget | Fellow | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Capelouto | Cordell | Trainee | S15 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Carrier | William | Fellow | S05, F05, S06 | Manoa | Physics | Deputy Superintendent, NOAA - Linkedin | Profile | |
Carter III | Albert | Trainee | S12 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Castillo | Jennie | Fellow | S07, F07 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Castino | Pal | Trainee | S20, F20 | Maui | Computer Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Cauley | Christina | Fellow | F14, S15, SUM15 | Hilo | Geology / Anthropology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chaco | Savanna-Hope | Trainee | F22 | Guam | Business Administrative | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chan | Brian | Trainee | S14, F14 | ~ | Electrical Engineering | Manager Electronics Engineer 2, Northrop Grumman - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Chan | Jackie | Fellow | S08 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chan | Jeremy | Master Apprenticeship Fellow | S12, F10, S10, F09, S09, F08, S08, F07, S07 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Prinicpal Engineer, Spacecraft Communication Solutions Provider - Linkedin | Profile | |
Chan | Wanda | Fellow | F91, S92 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chang | Emily | Fellow | S12, F11 | Manoa | Global Environmental Science | Academic Support Center Coordinator, College of the Redwoods - Linkedin | Profile | |
Chang | Heather | Fellow | F03 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chang | Jeff | Fellow | F99 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chang | Rachel | Trainee | S15 | Manoa | Global Environmental Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chang | Micah | GRI, Trainee | F23, S24 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chau | Lisa | Fellow | S98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Cheng | Alexandra | Fellow | F91 | Manoa | ~ | Service Engineer/System Administrator, Yahoo! Inc.? - LinkedIn | Profile | |
Cheng | Michael | Trainee | S06 | KCC | CENT | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chin | Jonathan | Trainee | F10 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chinen | Jonathan | Fellow | S12 | Manoa | Graphic Design, Mechanical Engineering | Graduate Teaching Fellow, Havard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences - Linkedin | Profile | |
Ching | Delwyn | Fellow | F93 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chui | Ying Kit | Trainee | S16 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chun | Carl S.P. | Fellow | S94 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chun | Kayli | Fellow | F19, S20 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Chung | SzeMei | Fellow | S00 | Manoa | Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ciotti | Makana | Trainee | S09, F09 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Claibourn | Angela | RI | S24 | Hilo | Astronomy & Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Clark | Megaan | Fellow | S99, F99 | Manoa | Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Cleek | Sophia | ERTH460 | S24 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Resident Assistant w/ UHM | Currently Pending | |
Clemons | Nalu | GRI | F22 | Manoa | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Clendenen | Gordon | Fellow | S92, F92 | Manoa | Enviromental Studies | Aircraft Techncian, Guardian Flight - Linkedin | Profile | |
Cline | Joy | GG 460 | S18 | Manoa | Geology | Enviromental Scientist, Stantec - Linkedin | Profile | |
Cobb-Adams | Raeanne | | S08 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Cockerham | Dylan | Intern | SUM11 | University of Nevada - Reno | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Coley | Chris | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Comeau | Donielle | | F02, S03 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Concannon | Jordan Bledsoe | Fellow | S13, F12 | Hilo | Physics and Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Contreras | Robert | Fellow | F91, S91, S92 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Copp | Kalanikapu | Trainee | S14, F14, S15, F15, S16 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Copson | Tilan | Fellow | S97 | ~ | ~ | Director of Research Communications, Uni. Maine - Linkedin | Profile | |
Corley | Laura | Fellow | S13, S12, S11 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Earth and Space Science Fellow, NASA - Linkedin | Profile | |
Corpuz | Raynel | | SUM10 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Cosco | Kody | Trainee | S20 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Costa | Garett | Trainee | SUM19 | Maui | Pre-Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Cotton | Leslie | Fellow | S98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Crawford | James | Research Intern | S23, SUM23 | Manoa | Earth Science (Minor in Asian Studies) | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Crescenzi | John | | SUM09 | Kauai | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Crow | Kala | Fellow | F93, S94 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | PLM Manager at Northrop Grumman Strategic Space~ - Linkedin | Profile | |
Crowder | Callie | Trainee | F16, S17 | Hilo | Astronomy / Physics | Missions Operations Specialist, Malin Space Science Systems - Linkedin | Profile | |
Cruz | Marielle Dela | Fellow | S17 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Jr. Data Scientist, Hot Topic - Linkedin | Profile | |
Cutler | Kenneth | Grad Sponsorship | S09 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Criminal Investigator, US Government Agencies - Linkedin | Profile | |
Dalere | Mark | | S07 | HCC | Science | Automotive Technician, Audi Honolulu - Linkedin | Profile | |
Dana | Alexia | ERTH460 | S22 | Manoa | Earth Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Darigo | Alex | Trainee | S13 | Leeward | Mechanical Engineering | Server/Bartender, Gourmindo Co - Linkedin | Profile | |
Dayuha | Jason | UG Sponsorship | SUM09 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Decker | Meghann | Fellow | S13 | Hilo | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Deenik | Jonathan | Fellow | S94, F94 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
DelaCruz | Byron-John | | S20 | Maui | Creative Media-Video Game Design & Development | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
DeLaire | David | Fellow | S97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
DeLeon | Adrian | Trainee | S13 | Leeward | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
DeLoach | Aaron | Fellow and GG 460 | S08, S07 | Manoa | Geology / Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
DeMello | Isaac | Trainee | S16 | KCC | Computer Science, Chemistry | Security Engineer, Hawaiian Airlines - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Dement | Denny | Fellow | S06, S07 | Hilo | Astronomy/ Math/ Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
DeSmither | Liliana | Fellow | F11, S12 | Hilo | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
DeVerse | Richard | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Devis | Stephan | GRI | F22, S23 | Maona | Physics | Student Researcher, University of Hawaii at Manoa - Linkedin | Profile | |
Dimitrijevic | Anya B. | TI | F22, S23 | WCC | Cell and Molecular biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Dimitrijevic | Anya | Trainee | F22 | LCC | Chemistry | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Dionne | Normand | Fellow | F91, S92 | ~ | ~ | IT Specialist, Univiersity of Hawai'i - Linkedin | Profile | |
Do | Lee | Fellow | F13, S14 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Quaility Control Manager / Project Engineer, Su-Mo Builders Inc. - Linkedin | Profile | |
Dobbs | Kenneth | Fellow | S13, F12, S12 | Manoa | Political Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Dobry | Samuel | Research Intern | F18,S19,F20,S21 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Design Engineer, Hass Automation Inc. - Linkedin | Profile | |
Dodge | Michele | Fellow | S94, F94 | Hilo | Physics/Geology | Graduate Teaching Assistant, San Jose State University - Linkedin | Profile | |
Domenichelli | Matthew | Trainee | S15 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Domingo | Daryl | Trainee | F10, SUM10 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Domingsil | Jamison | Trainee | F15 | Hilo | Environmental Science | Network Engineer, SOSi - Linkedin | Profile | |
Dorough | Jeffrey | Trainee | S13 | Kauai | Network Administration and Management | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Dregger | Jennai | GRI | S24, SUM24, F24 | Manoa | Enviromental Earth Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Dubiel | Michael | Trainee | S13 | Leeward | Electrical Eningeering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Dubois | Savannah | RI,GRI | SUM23, F23, S24 | Manoa | Aerospace Engineering (Mechanical) | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Dungan | Katherine | GG 460 | S14 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Enviromental Scientist, Enviroservices & Training Center - Linkedin | Profile | |
Dyer | Matthew | GG 460 | S05 | Manoa | Geology / Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Earle | Julian | Project Imua | F17, F18 | WCC | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Eastwood | Samuel | Trainee | S13 | HCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Eckmier | Melody | GG 460 | S05 | Manoa | Geology / Geophysics | Project Manager, Alta Science and Engineering - Linkedin | Profile | |
Edison | Kyla (Defore) | Fellow | F15, S16 | Hilo | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Elder | Lauren | Trainee | F08, S09, F09, S10 | Maui | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Elders | Christopher | Fellow | S91 | Manoa | Exercise Physiologogy, Kinesiology and Exercise Sci. | Project Managerm Warbo Development - Linkedin | Profile | |
Eliacon | Richard | Fellow | F93, S94 | Manoa | Physics | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Eliana | Tiffany | | SUM10 | ~ | Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Emerson | Kenji | Fellow | F17, S18 | Hilo | Physics / Astronomy | Graduate Student, Institute for Astronomy Manoa - Linkedin | Profile | |
Encarnacion | Nelson | Trainee | S19 | HCC | Liberal Arts | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Endrina | Jarren Dion | Project Imua, Trainee | F15, S16, S17, F17, S18 | Kapiolani (2015 - 2016), Manoa (Fall 2017) | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineer, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF - Linkedin | Profile | |
Erorita | Michael | | SUM09, S09, F08, SUM08 | Kauai | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Espeseth | Alayna | Research Intern | F20,S21 | Manoa | Environmental Earth Science | NASA HSGC University Research Intern | Profile | |
Esposito | Todd | Trainee | F07, S08, F08, S09, F09, S10, F10, S11, F11, S12 | ~ | Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Esteban | Chamille | Trainee | S09, SUM09 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Estrada | Jared | Trainee | F19,S20,F20,S21, F21, S22 | WCC | Physics | Data Analyst / Project Coordinator - Greenpath Techologies - Linkedin | Profile | |
Estur | Grace | Trainee | F22 | Guam | Civil Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ewers | Steven | Fellow | S14, F14 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Private Business Manager, Self employed - Linkedin | Profile | |
Falcon | Christian | Trainee | F21, F22 | Maui | Electronic and Computer Engineering Tech | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Faumuina | Joshua | | S15 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fausto | Keanno | Trainee | F22 | Guam | | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fein | Benjamin | ERTH460 | S22 | Manoa | Earth Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Feliciano | Cody | Trainee | S19 | HCC | Pre-Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Felix | Liam | ERTH460 | S24 | Manoa | Environmental Earth Science | Student GIS Assistant | Currently Pending | |
| David Trang | | S08, S09 | Hilo | Astronomy / Geology / Psychology | Assistant Researcher, UH Manoa - Linkeidn | Profile | |
| Dawna LeGrande | Fellow | S97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
| Debora Pei | Project Imua, Trainee | F13,S14,F14,S15 | HCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
| Deborah Miyasaka | Fellow | S93, F93 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fernandes | Kepa | Trainee | S14 | Kauai | Undecided | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fernandez | Alden Andrei | Trainee | S19, F19, S20 | KCC | Mechanical Engineerig | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ferreira | Melodee | | S06, F06 | HCC | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fines | Jeff | Trainee | S09 | Manoa | | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fisher | Derek | Intern | SUM12 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fleischman | Arnold | Fellow | F96 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Flores | Holly | Trainee | F16, S17, SUM17 | Leeward | Biological Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fong | KinWai | Fellow | S94, F94 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fong | Mia | Trainee | S19, F19, S20 | HCC | Civil Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fong | Sara | | S08, S09 | Leeward | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Forbus | Robert | | SUM07, F07 | WCC | Liberal Arts | Lighting Technician, Hawaii Stage and Lighting - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Ford | David | Fellow | F97 | Hilo | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Forsyth | William | Fellow | F98, S99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fourie | Tayler | Trainee | F22 | Maui | Electronic and Computer Engineering Tech | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Franco | Jake | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | Environmental Earth Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Franco | Noah | Trainee | F19,S20,F20 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Freitas | Christopher | GRI | S23 | Manoa | Mechaical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Freitas | Christopher J. | GRI | S23 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Froberg | Lauren | Trainee & GG460 | S14, F14 | Manoa | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Frost | Christopher | Fellow | F95, S96 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Fuji | Thad | | SUM09 | ~ | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fukuda | Brandon | | S14 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Fune | Eric | | SUM 08, SUM 09, SUM 10 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Communications Engineer I, Charter Communincations - Linkedin | Profile | |
Fung | Adria | Intern | SUM12, SUM11 | ~ | Robotics Engineering | K-12 Education Specialist, NASA Space Grant | Currently Pending | |
Furumo | John | Fellow, Intern | S13, F12, SUM11, S11, F10 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Flight Dynamics Systems Engineer, a.i. solutions - Linkedin | Profile | |
Gaborno | McClyde | Trainee | S13 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Galvadores | Roldan | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Galvizo | Glenn | Trainee | S15, F15, S16, F16, (S18, SUM2019-Ref FY2019 OEPM) | Manoa | Computer Engineering | Graduate Student Researcher, UC Irvine - Linkedin | Profile | |
Gamiao | Lerma | GG 460 | S14 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | GIS Technician, US Army Corps of Engineers - Linkedin | Profile | |
Garcia | Ada | | F13 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Garcia | Jamal William | | S14 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Garcia | Joselito (Josie) | Trainee | S12 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Garcia | Kalaimoana | Project Imua | S15, F15, S16, F16, S17 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Garcia | Kala'imoana | Trainee Intern | | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Gardner | Anna | Trainee | F19 & S20 | HCC | Astrophysics | Host, Doraku Sushi - Linkedin (Part time) | Profile | |
Garvida | Robert | Trainee | S11 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Gathrigt | John | Fellow | F90, S91 | Hilo | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Gee | Wilfred | | F15 | Hilo | Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Gelacio | ReeceJaron | Trainee | F19 | Maui | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Gentry | Matthew | Fellow | F96, S97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Germano | Josette | Fellow | F92, S93 | Manoa | Business/Fiance | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Gershom | Yosef Ben | Fellow | F16, S17 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Operations Manager, Hawaii Space Flight Labortatory - Linkedin | Profile | |
Geschwind | Leon | | S99, F99, S00 | Manoa | Global Environmental Science | Education and Outreach Specialist, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminstration - Linkedin | Profile | |
Ghotane | Melissa | Trainee | S19 | KCC | Pre-Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ginoza | Scott | HSFL | F21, S22, SUM22, F22, S23 | | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ginter | Tim | Fellow | S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Gong | YuWei | Project Imua | F15, S16, F16, S17 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Goshi | Darren | | S99, F99 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Grazziotin | Jessica | Trainee | S16 | KCC | Computer Engineering | Senior Specialist, Charles Schwab - Linkedin | Profile | |
Greer | Evan | Fellow | F12 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Software Engineer, Iterable - Linkedin | Profile | |
Gremminger | David | Fellow | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Griffin | Darwina | GG 460 | S07 | Manoa | Geology | Hydrologist Geologist, Honolulu Board of Water Supply - Linkedin | Profile | |
Griffith | Jeffrey | Trainee | S10, S11 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineer, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command - Linkedin | Profile | |
Growth | Michael Lee | Fellow | F97, S98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Grzegorczyk | Lauren | Trainee | F18 | HCC | ASNS Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Guerin | Brett | GG 460 | S08 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Guidry | Michael | Fellow | S94, F94 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Guiles | Celeste | Trainee | F19, S20 | KCC | Chemistry | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Guillermo | Jonimar | Project Imua | F17 | HCC | Computer Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Guirao | Mark | | SUM10, SUM09, SUM08 | ~ | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Gulley | Stephen | Research Intern | F22, S23 | Manoa | Astrophysics/Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Guyette | Andrew | | F98, S99 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Technical Staff, Resonant Inc - Linkedin | Profile | |
Guzman | Jeffrey | Fellow | S09, F08 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ha | Tuan | Fellow | S98, F98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hadley | Nina | Fellow | SUM93, F93 | Manoa | Marine Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hagi | Kasey | Intern | SUM17 | Manoa | Computer Engineering | Software Engineer, Systems Planning and Analysis Inc. - Linkedin | Profile | |
Hall | Jason | Fellow | F98, S99 | Manoa | Mechinical Engineering | Principal Moblie Sofrware Engineer, Walmart - Linkedin | Profile | |
Hall | Michael | Fellow | F99 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hamamura | Keane | Intern | F16 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | (Outdated?) Student Trainnee, Pearl Harbor Shipyard & IMF, 2017-2018 - Linkedin | Profile | |
Hamanda | Kris | Fellow | F91, S92 | ~ | Physics | Senior Scientist, Intergrity Applications incorporated - Linkedin | Profile | |
Hancock | Lyra | Trainee | S12, F13, S14 | WCC | Electrical Engineering | Pasifika Inclusion Network Vice Chair, Seattle Childern's - linkedin | Profile | |
Hand | Carli | Trainee | F16, S17 | Hilo | Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hand | Derek | Fellow | F15, S16 | Hilo | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Harman | Michele | GG 460 | S05, F05, S06, S07 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Harris | David | Intern | SUM14 | Manoa | Biological Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Harris | Greg Elliot | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Harris | Ryan | ERTH460 | S22 | Manoa | Earth Science | Staff Geologist, Applied GeoKinetics - Linkedin | Profile | |
Hashimoto | Erin | | S15 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hashimoto | Vance | | S08 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hauerbach | Thor | Trainee | F22 | Guam | Business Admin | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hayashi | Jon | Fellow | F91, S92 | Hilo | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hayes | Tanner | ERTH460 | S22 | Manoa | Earth and Planetary Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hedglen | Alexander | Trainee, Fellow | F15, S16, F16 | Hilo | Astronomy / Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Heins | Mitchell | Trainee | S11, S12 | KCC | Liberal Arts | Buyer, CarMax - Linkedin | Profile | |
Hendrix | Ryan | GG460 | S16 | Manoa | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Heraux | Jonathan | Fellow | F94, S95, F95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hernandez | Angel | Intern | SUM08, SUM09 | Kauai CC | Business Intelligence / Analytics Management~Operations Research | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Herr | David | Intern | SUM10 | Bringham Young University | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Herrera | Nikolai | Trainee | F14 | WCC | Mechanical Engineering | Marine Engineer, Pacific Shipyards International - Linkedin | Profile | |
Herrmann | Nicholas | Project Imua | F14, S15, SUM15, F15, S16, F16, S17 | Kauai | Electronics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hewitt | Tobias | Fellow | F99, S00 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hicks | Brandon | Trainee | S13 | ~ | GES | Telecommunications Specialist, Cochran Inc. - Linkedin | Profile | |
Higashiguchi | Dennis,Jr. | Fellow | S00 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Higley | Mark | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hintz | Amanda | | S05 | Hilo | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hiraoka | Jessica | Fellow | S98, F98 | Manoa | Mechanical Engieering | Engineer, Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific - Linkedin | Profile | |
Hiraoka | Nathaniel | Intern | S11, F11, S12 | WCC | Liberal Arts | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ho | Christopher | UG Sponsorship | SUM09, SUM10 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Staff Software Engineer, NerdWallet - Linkedin | Profile | |
Hoegger | Lynzee | Research Intern | F20, S21 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Software Engineer, Interstel Technologies - Linkedin | Profile | |
Hoffman | Annette | Fellow | S91 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hoffman | Cameron | Trainee | F20 | HCC | Aerospace Engineering | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Hon | Emma | Trainee | F17, S18, S19 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hong | Daniel | | SUM09 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Honniball | Casey | GG 460 | S16 | Manoa | Astronomy / Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Horiuchi | Jason | Fellow | SUM97 | ~ | ~ | Senior Product Marketing Manager, pSemi - Linkedin | Profile | |
Horner | TobyQuin | | S11, F10 | Hilo | Mathematics / Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Howard | Darrell | Fellow | F91, S92 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Howard | Lindsey | GG 460 | S14 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Howard | Vincent | Intern | SUM12 | Manoa | Biomechanics~ Integrative Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hu | Adam | Research Intern | | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | (Not Working) | Profile | |
Hu | Kathryn | Fellow | F14, S15 | ~ | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Hurley | Briana | | F10, S11, F11 | ~ | Astronomy/Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ichikawa | Dylan | Fellow | F06, S06 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ihsle | Thomas | Fellow | F90 | Hilo | Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Imai-Hong | Amber | Intern | SUM11, F12, S13 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Avionics Engineer and Program manager, Hawaii Space Flight Laboratory - Linkedin | Profile | |
Imaoka | Randall | Fellow | F01 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ingalls | Ogden | Fellow | F99, S00 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Inouye | Blake | Trainee | F05, S06, F06 | HCC | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ireland | Schelin | Trainee, Intern, Fellow | S19, SUM19, F19, S20 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Lunar Spacecraft Data Analyst, HIGP | Profile | |
Irvine | Joshua | | S09 | Manoa | Biological Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Iseke | Elyse | Fellow | F11, S12, F12 | Manoa | Food Science/ Human Nutrition | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ishigo | Joy | Fellow | S91, F91, S92 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering / Minor: German // Civil Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ishimitsu | David | Fellow | F98, S99 | Manoa | Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Islam | Shohan | Trainee | S11 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Senior Body Design Engineer, Honda R&D America - Linkedin | Profile | |
Ito | Michael | Research Intern | F20, S21 | Manoa | Math and Computer Science Data Science (Dbl major) | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship, Krell Institute - Linkedin | Profile | |
Iwami | Reece | Fellow | S09, F08, S08, S06, SUM06, F06 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Iwaniec | Joleen | Trainee | S11, F10, S10, F09, S09, F08, S08, F07, SUM07 | WCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Izumigawa | Christianne | Trainee, Intern | S15, F15, S16, F16, SUM17, F17, S18 | Manoa | Computer Engineering | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Jacob | Samantha | Fellow | S11, F10, S10, F09 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Planetary Geologist, Barrios Technology - Linkedin | Profile | |
Jacobs | Jessica Wai Jun | | Currently Pending | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
James | Brian | Fellow | S12, F11 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Program Manager, SkyNRG - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Javinar | Kolby | Trainee | SUM14, SUM13, SUM12, SUM11, SUM09 | West Oahu / Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Johnson | Dana | Trainee | S10 | Manoa | Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Johnson | Jesse | Trainee | S13 | HCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Johnson | Osiris | Fellow | SUM97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Johnson | Paul | Fellow | S91, F91, S92 | Manoa | Geology and Geophysics | Data Manager, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping - Linkedin | Profile | |
Jones | Casey | Fellow | F14, S15 | ~ | Astronomy / Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Jones | Gabriel | Trainee | F22 | Guam | | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Jones | Windell | Fellow | F09, F08, SUM08, S08, F07 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Instrument Engineer, Canada France Hawaii Telescope Crop. - Linkedin | Profile | |
Jordan | Eric | Trainee | S11 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Juarez | Angelica | Trainee Intern | F21, F22, S23 | Maui | Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Juarez | Angelica J | TI | F21, F22, S23 | Maui | Electronic and Computer Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kaawaloa | Andrea | Fellow | F95, S96 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kaeo | William | Trainee | S14 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kahakui | Richard | Project Imua | F15, S16 | WCC | Computer Engineering | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Kahihikolo | Kaimi | Fellow | S16, F16, S17 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Data Scientist, Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton - Linkedin | Profile | |
Kahikimaianakekupulaninokala'akea | Aliifua | Trainee | S19 | KCC | Pre-Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kam | Arlen | Intern | SUM11 | Manoa | Aerospace Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kamei | Tyler | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kanahele-Moss | Huihui | Fellow | S91 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kane | Haunani | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kang | Minshik | Intern | F16 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Nuclear Engineer, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF - Linkdin | Profile | |
Kaopuiki | Chad | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Karimi | Jordan | Trainee | F19, S20 | Kauai | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Katsumoto | Layne | Trainee | S06, F06 | HCC | Computer, Electrnoics, and Networking Technology | Research Support: Electronics Technician, Honolulu CC - Linkedin | Profile | |
Kawaguchi | Kelsey | Trainee | S13 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kawamura | Matthew | | | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kaya | Jasen | Fellow | F04, S05 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Keefe | Rosemary | Fellow | F98, S99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kennedy | Joseph | GG640 | S14 | Manoa | Global Environmental Science | Hydrologist, U.S Geological Survery (USGS) - Linkedin | Profile | |
Kent | Aukai | Fellow | S07, F06, S06, SUM05 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kent | Kaipo | Fellow | S07 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Khosroshahi | Kaveh | Fellow | S09, S08 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Lead Project Intergration Management Specialist, Boeing - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Kiefer | Britton | GG 460 | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kiessner | Chantelle | Trainee | F16 | Hilo | Physics / Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kikuchi | Kolby | Trainee? | S21 | Maui | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kikugawa | Tyson | Fellow | F05 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | High School Teacher, Hawaii DOE - Linkedin | Profile | |
Kim | Jennifer | Trainee | F17, S18 | Manoa | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kim | Robert | UG Sponsorship | SUM10 | Manoa | International Comparative Studies | Software Engineer, Concourse Labs - Linkedin | Currently Pending | |
Kim | Steven | Trainee | F17, S18 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kimura | Lance | | F07, S08 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
King | Christina | Fellow | F09, S09 | Manoa | Physics / Computer Science | JPL - (LTS data, last updated 2017) | Currently Pending | |
Kini | Mahealani | Trainee | F18 | KCC | Pre-Engineering | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Kirchner | Daron | Trainee | SUM12 | Hawaii | Liberal Arts | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kiriu | Kenny | Trainee | S19 | KCC | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kleefisch | Aiyana | ERTH460 | S22 | Manoa | Environmental Earth Science | (Not Working) | Profile | |
Kleyner | Jeffrey | Fellow | S17, F17 | Manoa | Physics / Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kline | Piper | HSFL | F23 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering w/ Aerospace Concentration | Hawaii Space Flight Lab | Currently Pending | |
Knight | Robert | | F05, S06 | Hilo | Astronomy / Mathematics | Data Engineer, SemanticBits - Linkedin | Profile | |
Knights | Sarah | | S06, F05, S05 | Hilo | Astronomy/Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ko | Kellie | Trainee | S12 | KCC | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kobayakawa | Mike | Fellow | S97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kobobel | Jedediah | Trainee | S20, F20 | Maui | Applied Business and Information Technology | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Kodani | Gregory | Fellow | F98, S99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kohatsu | Matthew | Trainee | F18 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Koide | Shaun | Intern | SUM10, SUM13 | Kauai | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kosinski | Kristine | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kotowski | Lisa | Fellow | S13, F12 | Manoa | Physics | Jr Health Physicist, California Department of Public Health - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Kramer | Georgiana | | F99, S00, F00 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kreieder | Allison | GG 460 | S18 | Manoa | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kreisberg | Miles | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Assistant General Manager, Maui Brewing Co - Linkedin | Profile | |
Kumar | Aditya | Trainee | S17, F17, S18 | Manoa | Computer Science | Full-Stack Developer, Finity Inc. - Linkedin | Profile | |
Kunimoto | Matthew | Intern | SUM13 | Manoa | Computer Engineering; Minor: Computer Science, Math | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Kurokawa | Tisha | Trainee | S11, S12 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lach | Mackenzie | | S21,SUM21 | Manoa | Physics/Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lam | Brian | Project Imua | F17 | HCC | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Armament System Specialist - Linkedin | Profile | |
Lam | Joshua | Intern | F16 | Manoa | Computer Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lambert | Michael | Fellow | S95, F95 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Pilot, Hawaiian Airlines - Linkedin | Profile | |
Lancaster | Patrick | Trainee | F09, S10, F10, S11, F11, S12 | WCC | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Landgraf | Robert | | S14 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Langdalen | Zachary | Fellow | S17, F17 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Project Manager, Herrero Builders - Linkedin | Profile | |
Lange | Indar | | S06, F06 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Founder + CEO, White Sand Capital - Linkedin | Profile | |
Larson | Michael | Fellow | S96, F96 | ~ | Electronics Engineering | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Laudier | Michel | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | Remote Sensing | GIS Manager, AECOM - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Laufenberg | Daniel | Trainee | S19 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Software Engineer, INIT Group | Profile | |
Laurel | Joseph | Fellow | S93, F93 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lavarez | Katalyna Rose | Group Research Intern | S24 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Law | Casey | | F97, S98 | Manoa | Physics | Scientist, Caltech - Linkedin | Profile | |
Law | Elanore | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | Atmosphere Science | Visitor Services Support Member, American Conservation Experience - Linkedin | Profile | |
Lawrence | Norris,Jr. | Fellow | S91 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lazaga | Nelson | Fellow | F07 | Manoa | Biology | Chief Operating Officer/Microbiologist, Spectra Analytical Lab - Linkedin | Profile | |
Le | Duy | GRI | S24 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering w/ Aerospace Concentration | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
LeBon | Alexander | | S08 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Project Manager/ Senior Mechanical Engineer, Makai Ocean Engineering - Linkedin | Profile | |
Leddy | Patrick | Fellow | S97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lee | Alaine | Research Intern | SUM21, S22, F22 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Undergraduate Research Assistant Pan-STARRS, University of Hawai'I System | Profile | |
Lee | Carli | Fellow | SUM97, F97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lee | Eric | Trainee | SUM06, S06, S05, F05 | Leeward | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lee | Jessica | Fellow | F13, S14 | Manoa | Computer Science / Korean | (Amazon) Senior Product Manager - (LTS data, last updated 2017) | Currently Pending | |
Lee | Kevin | Trainee | F13, S14 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lee | Michael | | S14 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lee | Scott | Fellow | F09 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Realtor Associate, Inet Realty - Linkedin | Profile | |
Lee-Ho | Zachary | Fellow | S06, SUM06, F06, S07, F07, S08, F09, S10, F10, S11, SUM11 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | GNC Engineer Staff, Lockheed Martin - Linkedin | Profile | |
LeGrande | Ronnie | Fellow | S97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lei | BaoJun | | S10, F09 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Leonard | Amanda | Fellow | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Leonard | Matthew | GRI | S22, SUM22 | Manoa | Aerospace | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Leong | Gay | Fellow | S97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Leong | Jon | | | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Leong | Kevin | Fellow | SUM98 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineer, Northrop Grumman - Linkedin | Profile | |
Leonhardi | Tanis | GG460 | S14 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics; Minor: Mathematics | Self Employed | Profile | |
Lesley | Sean | Trainee | S10 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Leung | Grace | Fellow | S96, F96 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | 702MP Design Integration Manager, Boeing - Linkedin | Profile | |
Leung | KinWai | Fellow | S06, F05 | ~ | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lewis | James | Intern | SUM13, F13 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lewis | Samuel | Trainee | S12 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Li | Die Ren (Danny) | Fellow | F93, S94 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Li | Megan | Trainee Intern | S21 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Li | Tina | Intern | S15, F15, S16, F16 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Junior Engineer, EKNA Services - Linkedin | Profile | |
Li | XiaoHua | Trainee | S17, F17 | HCC | RAC | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Liang | Mary | Fellow | S06 | Manoa | Electrical & CE Technology | Optical Engineer, Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy - Linkedin | Profile | |
Lim | Chester | Fellow | SUM07, SUM08, SUM09, SUM10, S11 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineer II, NASA Jet Propulsion Labortatory - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Lim | Toy | Trainee | S05 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Linhoff | Luke | Fellow | F06, S06 | Hilo | Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Liu | Pingyang | Trainee | F16, S17 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lo | Ivy | Intern | SUM07 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Loeffler | Gail | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Longo | Gianna | Group Research Intern | F23 | Manoa | Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lopez | Anthony | Trainee | F19 | HCC | Electrical Engineering | Engineering Manager, Spectrum - Linkedin | Profile | |
Lovas | Kristof | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Lurvey | Michael | Fellow | F00, S01 | Manoa | International Business | Senior Managing Partner, Phoenix Carbon LLC - Linkedin | Profile | |
Luu | Kevin | | SUM07 | ~ | Electrical Engineeing / Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ma | Howin | GRI | S23 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering - Aerospace Concentration | Undergraduate Research Assistant, Ray Research Group, University of Hawaii at Manoa - Linkedin | Profile | |
Mabagos | Daniel Rae | Trainee | F22 | Guam | Civil Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Macalalag | Adam | Trainee | F18 | WCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Macaulay | Kate | Group Research Intern | F23 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering w/ Aerospace Concentration | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
MacDhomhnaill-RNHVTSH | Casper | Trainee | S23 | KCC | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Machida | Cory | Fellow | S96, F96 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
MacIntyre-Lewicke | Erik | | S21 | Maui | Business Administration | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Madayag | Matthew | Research Intern | SUM22, F22, S23 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Chair, AIAA Student Branch at the UHM - Linkedin | Profile | |
Maeda | Wendi | Fellow | F99 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Prinicpal Reliability Engineer, Raytheon - Linkedin | Profile | |
Magad-Weiss | Logan | Fellow | S15, F15 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Magnuson | Kevin | Fellow | S99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mahoney | Elizabeth | Trainee | S13 | Leeward | Mechanical Engineering | Full Stack Developer II,Fedex - Linkedin | Profile | |
Makalena | Mariya | | S14 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mamizuka | Warren | | F13 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mamuad | Renz | Trainee | S17 | Maui | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mamura | Clare | GG 460 | S07 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Manzano | Dominic | Trainee Intern | S22 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Marcos | Jason | Trainee | S17 | Leeward | Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineer , Leidos - Linkedin | Profile | |
Markley | Matthew | | S10 | ~ | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Martin | Darren | | F13 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Martin | D'Elle | Trainee | F20,S21, F22, S23 | HonCC | Evironmrntal Design | (Not Working) | Profile | |
Martin | Melissa | Trainee | F17, S19 | Kauai, Kapiolani | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Martinez | Sebastian | ERTH460 | S22 | Manoa | Marine Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Martinez | Tristan | Fellow | S12, F12, S13 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | GN&C Engineer - Control Sys Design & Analysis, Boeing - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Maru | Jasmine | Trainee | F09, S10, F10, S11, F11, S12 | WCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Masaki | Michael | Fellow | S95, F95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Massaro | Kathryn | Trainee | S10 | Kauai | Natural Resources and Environmental Management | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Masutani | Michelle | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Systems Engineer II, Raytheon Techonogies - Linkedin | Profile | |
Mathews | Lauren | Fellow | S16, F16 | Manoa | Global Environmental Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Matillano | Kurt McCloud | Trainee | SUM19 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Matsuda | David | Fellow | S97, F97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Matsumoto-Kelly | Mitchell | HSFL Software Intern | SUM20, F20 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Matsumura | Marcus | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Matsunaga | Kaitlyn | HSFL | SUM22, F22, S23, SUM 23 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | HSFL | Currently Pending | |
Matsuura | Chaika | Fellow | S98, F98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Matutino | Jacob | Intern | SUM11, SUM12, SUM14 | Manoa | Computer Science | Senior Software Engineer, Booz Allen Hamilton - Linkedin | Profile | |
Mau | Matthew | Trainee | S13, F14, S15, F15 | HCC | Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
May | Bradley | Trainee | S19 | HCC | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
May | Michael | GG 460 | S08 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mazotta | John | Fellow | SUM98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mazzarella | Nikola | Group Research Intern | SUM23, F23, S24 | Manoa | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
McCartney | Kelly | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | Geology | (Unsure) | Profile | |
McCluskey | Arlen | GG 460 | S07 | Manoa | Communication | Self Product Designer, Clubhouse - Linkedin | Profile | |
McConnell | Joseph | Trainee | S17 | Leeward | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
McDonald | Kyle | Intern | SUM12 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
McFall | Alan | | F21, S22 | Manoa | Earth Sciences | Currently Pending | Profile | |
McGhee | Marin | GG 460 | S18 | Manoa | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
McGrane | Brian | GG 460 | S07 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
McGraw | Park | Fellow | F92, S93 | Manoa | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
McKenzie | Warren | | F15, S16 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
McKinney | Melinda | Fellow | SUM97 | ~ | Geophysics and Planetology | Biology Faculty, Curriculum and Assesment Development- Linkedin | Profile | |
McLeod | Darlyne | Trainee | S15, F15, S16, F16 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
McNichols | Andrew | Fellow | F13, S14 | Hilo | Physics / Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mechler | Cale | Project Imua | S14, F14, S15, F15, S16, F16, S17 | WCC | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mehta | Suraj | Project Imua | F14, S15, F15, S16 | HCC | Computer Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Meiner | Melissa | Fellow | F07, S08 | Hilo | Geology / Marine Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mejia | Matthan | Trainee | S17 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Automation and Robotics Engineer, Boeing - Linkedin | Profile | |
Mendez | Jhaymar | Trainee | SUM19 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Menendez | Michael | Fellow | F08, S08, F07, S07 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Head of Product Development and Technology, Blue and Planet Energy - Linkedin | Profile | |
Mercado | Javier | Trainee | F22 | Guam | Anthropology Philosophy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mercado | Shawn | Trainee | F10 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Merz | Brandon | Fellow | F05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Meyer | Alexander | Trainee | F18, S19, SUM19, F19 | Maui | Engineering Technology | College Lecturer, University of Hawaii Maui College - Linkedin | Profile | |
Migita | Shelly | Fellow | S06, F05 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Miguel-Matsumoto | Glen | GRI | F22,SUM23 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Mikami | Mitch | Project Imua, Trainee | S14, S15 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Milam | Sophie | | S10, SUM09 | Hilo | Astonomy / Physics | Project Manager, DroneUp - Linkedin | Profile | |
Miller | Erin | | S09, F08 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Project Manager, ATC Group Services - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Minder | Jonathan | NASA Acadeny | SUM07 | HPU | Applied Math / Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mintz | Bianca | GG 460 | S16 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Hydrogeologist, AECOM - Linkedin | Profile | |
Misra | Morgan | GRI | S22 | Manoa | Earth Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Miyakawa | Koji | Research Intern | S23, F23 | Hilo | Astronomy and Physics (Minor in Mathematics) | Hawai'I Space Grant Consortium Research Internship - Linkedin | Profile | |
Miyakawa | Koji | Research Intern | S23 | Hilo | Astronomy and Physics | Hawai'I Space Grant Consortium Research Internship - Linkedin | Profile | |
Miyasaki | Lori | Fellow | S08, F07 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Miyashiro | Kevin | Fellow | F97, S98 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | CEO, Pacific Impact Zone | Profile | |
Mohan | Deep | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | Earth Science | Geologist, AECOM - Linkedin | Profile | |
Mokelke | Amber | Fellow, Project Imu, GG460 | F14, S15, F15, S16 | Kauai | Geophysics / Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Moncrief | Scott | Fellow | F90, S90 | Manoa | Geology and Geophysics | Senior Geologist, Principal Director - Linkedin | Profile | |
Montgomery | Anthony | Fellow | S94, F94, S95, F96 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Moore | Anna | Fellow | F04, S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Moore | Jordan | Traineeship | F14, S15 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Morales-Pang | Dalten | Group Research Intern | S24 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering w/ Aerospace Concentration | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Morgan | Aspen | Project Imua | F17, F18 | WCC | Undecided | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Morgan | Paula | Fellow | F93, S94 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Morimoto | Sara | Intern | SUM18 | Kauai | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Morrison-Fogel | Dylan | Fellow | F17, S18 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Flight Dynamics Engineer, NASA Ames Research Center - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Moxey | Lucas | GG 460 | S09 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mozzer | Stephen | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Mucek | Adonara | | F11, S12 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | STEM Instructor, Kids Discovery - Linkedin | Profile | |
Murakami | Donn | Fellow | SUM95, F95 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | President and Founder, Station Hypo Prime LLC - Linkedin | Profile | |
Murl | Jeffrey | Fellow & GG460 | F13, S14 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Murray | Vanesa | Fellow | S93 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Myers | Lyle | Trainee | F19 | Maui | ENGT (Engineering Technology?) | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nafarrete | Daniel | Trainee | F20 | Kauai | ~ | Lead Merchandiser/Recevier, Sam Diego Wine & Beer Company - Linkedin | Profile | |
Nagamine | Aaron | Trainee | S15, F15 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | undergraduate Research Assistant Pan-STARRS, University of Hawai'I System | Profile | |
Nagashima | Joshua | Fellow | S04 | Manoa | Chemistry | Enviromental Health Specialist, State of Hawaii - Linkedin | Profile | |
Nakamatsu | Keith | Project Imua | F14, S15, F15, S16, F16 | WCC | Computer Engineering | COPE Health Scholars, COPE Health Solutions - Linkedin | Profile | |
Nakamura | Matthew | Trainee | S19, SUM19 | WCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nakano | Jennifer | Research Intern | S23, F23 | Manoa | Computer Science (Minor in Mathematics) | Machine Learning Internship, Gemini Observatory - Linkedin | Profile | |
Nakao | Carissa | Intern | SUM11 | Manoa | Nutrition | Engineer II, Rosendin - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Nakashima | Brycen | | SUM09 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nakashima | Dana | Fellow | S93, F93 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nakata | Kale | Intern | F11 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Designer II, Hawaiian Electric Company - Linkedin | Profile | |
Nall | Gavin | Trainee | S13, F14, S15 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineer, Lincoln Electric Automation - Linkedin | Profile | |
Narahara | David | Fellow | S05 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Welding Engineer - Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF - Linkedin | Profile | |
Natividad | Ryan | Trainee | SUM17 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ndili | Chinenye | Research Intern | S21 | Manoa | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Neal | Angela | Fellow | S94, F94 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Needham | Heidi | Fellow | S13, F13 | ~ | Global Environmental Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nemeth | Lyle | Intern | SUM11, SUM12 | Kauai | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nerurkar | Onkar | Project Imua | S16, F16, S17, F17 | HCC | Information Security Assurance (ISA) | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Neubert | Joshua | GG 460 | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ng | Jarin (Skyler) | ERTH460 | SUM20, F20 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ng | Patrick | Trainee | S20,F20,S21 | WCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nguyen | Andrew | Trainee/Intern | S15, F15, S16, SUM 17 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nguyen | Christopher | Fellow | F17, S18 | Manoa | Computer Science | Product Manager 2, Microsoft - Linkedin | Profile | |
Nguyen | Liem | Fellow | F13, S14 | ~ | Physics/ Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nguyen | Vincent | Trainee | F14, S15 | KCC | ASNS (Pre~Engineering) | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nicholas | Justin | Fellow | S13, F13 | Manoa | Creative Media | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Niro | Alexine | Trainee | S16, S17, F17 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Niro | Arvin | Fellow | S14 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineer, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF - Linkedin | Profile | |
Nishimura | Kristi | Fellow | F97, S98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Nishino | Thomas | Fellow | F93, S94 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Noveloso | Alex | Intern | F16 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Noveloso | Cyrus | Intern | SUM17 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Oberle | Ferdinand | Fellow | S01 | Manoa | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
O'Brien | Hauolinalani | Trainee | F22, S23 | WCC | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ocampo | Lanz | Trainee | S17 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ogata | Ian | Group Research Intern | S24 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering w/ Aerospace Concentration | Research Assistant w/ College of Engineering | Currently Pending | |
Ohta | Aaron | | S01, S02, F02 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Professor, UH Manoa - Linkedin | Profile | |
Ojiri | Reina | Fellow | S12, F11 | Leeward | Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Okubo | Chris | Fellow | F94, S95 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Okura | Melia | Intern | SUM18, SUM17, SUM20 | Kauai | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Olds | Zachary | GG 460 | S14 | Manoa | Geology and Geophysics | Software Engineer, Mentor Spaces - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Olive | Jordan | Fellow | SUM09, S09, SUM08 | Hilo | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Oliver | Alexander | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics / Petrology & Botony | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Olpindo | Jerico | Trainee | F19, S20 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Olson | Jennifer | Fellow | F03, S04 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
O'Malley | Quinn-Patrick | Trainee Intern | SUM21, F21, S22 | WCC | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Onishi | Melissa | Fellow | F13, S14 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Energy Advisor, Hawaii Energy - Linkedin | Profile | |
Onodera | Brialyn | Fellow | F16, S17 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineer, National Solar Obserbatory - Linkedin | Profile | |
Opie | Craig | HSFL, Trainee | S19, F19, S20 | HCC | Information Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ordonez | Richard | Trainee | S06, F06 | Leeward | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ostrander | Gail | Fellow | F99, S00 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Osurman | Travis | | S07 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Oswald | Susan | Trainee | S13 | Leeward | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ouye | Angeline Lee | Trainee | F19, S20 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Oyadomari | Kenneth | Intern | SUM12 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Communications Lead Engineer, Capella Space - Linkedin | Profile | |
Paczolay | Gabor | Trainee | S19 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers - Linkedin | Profile | |
Padgett | Ian | Trainee Intern | S22 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Undergraduate Research Assistant , University of Hawaii at Manoa | Profile | |
Pagaduan | Lhiberty | GG 460 | S16 | Manoa | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Pajarillo | GhianPaolo | Trainee | S10, S11 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Palanca | John Tristan | Fellow | S17, F17 | UOG | Computer Science | Senior Product Analyst, Linktree - Linkedin | Profile | |
Palileo | Dale | Fellow | F98, S99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Pancake | Madison | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | Geology and Geophysicsy | Science Teacher, Brooklyn Frontiers High School - Linkedin | Profile | |
Pandya | Jatin | Group Research Intern | S20 | KCC/UHM | Mechanical Engineering with ' | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Pangelinan | James | Graduate Fellow | S21, F22 | UOG | Environmental Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Parcheta | Carolyn | Fellow | S06, F05 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Field Operations Manager, Alaska Earthquake Center - Linkedin | Profile | |
Parke | Johnny | Research Intern | S22 | UOG | Computer Science, Mathematics, Philosophy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Parker | Jennifer | Fellow | F92, S93 | Manoa | Geology/Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Parongao | Ryan | Intern | S09 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Pascual | Charlemane | UG Sponsorship | SUM09 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Patrick | Matthew | Fellow | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Patterson | Matthew | Fellow | S06, F06, S07, F07, S08 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Patton | Hunter | Trainee | F19 & S20 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Consultant, Allana Buick & Bers Inc. - Linkedin | Profile | |
Paulino | Matthew | GRI | SUM22, F22, S23 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering Aerospace Focus | Administrative Assistant, Associa Hawaii - Linkedin | Profile | |
Pave | Tayler | Trainee | S16 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Software Engineer, GE Aviation - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Peck | Melissa | Intern | SUM10 | Kauai | Elementary Education | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Peckenpaugh | Juliana | ERTH460 | S24 | Manoa | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Pederson | Joel | Trainee | F18, S19 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Senior Radar Systems Engineer, Raytheon - Linkedin | Profile | |
Peralta | JosephChristian | Intern | F16 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Pereda | Julian | Fellow | F19 | Manoa | Mathmatics & Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Perez | Kyra | Trainee | F22 | Guam | | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Peterson | Alexander | Group Research Intern | F23 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering w/ Aerospace Concentration | Waiter w/ Artistry event center | Currently Pending | |
Petrochilos | Lisa | | S06, F06 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Shlumberger, Petrophysicist - Linkedin | Profile | |
Petrochilos | Lisa Tatsumi | Fellow and GG460 | S07, F06, S06 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Pflug | Ian | Trainee | S20, F20, S21, F21 | Maui | Engineering Technology | (Abandoned page) | Profile | |
Philips | David | Fellow | F94, S95, F95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Phillips | Kalila | Trainee Intern | S21,F21, F22 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Office and Medical Assistant, Maui Cardiology LTD - Linkedin | Profile | |
Pila | Aaron | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | NREM | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Pipes | Robert | Fellow | F13, S14 | Hilo | Astronomy / Physics | XPS Scientist , Eurofins - Linkedin | Profile | |
Plath | Carrie | GG 460 | S07 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
PlunkettJr. | Samuel | Trainee | S11, F11, S12 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Poe | Jason | Trainee | S06 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Polinar-Pascua | Romy | Research Intern | SUM22 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | (Unsure check again later) | Profile | |
Polivany | Mikhail | Fellow | F19, S20 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ponga | Robert | Fellow | F14, S15 | Hilo | Astronomy / Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ponting | Joshua | Intern | SUM11 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Porter | Guy | Fellow | S95, F95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Portillo | Angello | Trainee | S23 | HonCC | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Poscablo | Jackson | Trainee | S15 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Structural & Payload Design Engineer, Boeing - Linkedin | Profile | |
Post | William | Trainee | S17 | KCC | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Powers | Jessica | Fellow | F98, S99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Powers | Natalie | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | Environmental Earth Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Prinzing | Heather | Trainee | S12, F11 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Pruyne | Theodore | Fellow | F17, S18 | Hilo | Physics / Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Quarles | Jessica | GRI | S24 | Hilo | Astronomy & Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Racoma | Bryson | Trainee | F14, S15 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rae-zan | Belen | Trainee | S13 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ramilo | Roberto | Fellow | S14, F14 | Manoa | Kinesiology | Front Desk Staff, InVision Imaging - Linkedin | Profile | |
Ramirez | Adrian | Fellow | F18 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ramiscal | Mary Jean | | S05 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ramos | Darren | Trainee | S12 | ~ | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ramos | Victor | Trainee | S13 | Leeward | Mechanical Engineering | Sr. Field Engineer, ABB - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Rappeline | Matthew | Junior Fellow | S12 | KCC | Physics; Minor: Astronomy & Astrophysics | Private Tutor, Linkeidn | Profile | |
Raymond | Mark | Trainee | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rayo | Kyle | Trainee | SUM19 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rayo | Randolf | Trainee | S20 | Maui | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Reardon | Travis | Fellow | S13, F13 | Hilo | Geology / Tropical Horticulture | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rehders | Geoffrey | Fellow | F13, S14 | Hilo | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Relin | Edward | Intern | SUM13 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Reyes | Baylor De Los | HSFL | F21, S22 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Reyes | Carlos | Trainee | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Reyes | Pookela | Trainee | F14 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Reyes | Pookela Stillman | | F14, S15 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Reyes | Whitney | Fellow | S09, F08 | Manoa | Botany | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Richards | Glenn | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | Electrical Engineering | Functional Verification Account Technical Manager - Linkedin | Profile | |
Richards | Jackson | RI | S24, F24 | Manoa | Global Environmental Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rickard | Kaihoolulu | Fellow | S05 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rita | Erik | | S15 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rivera | Rafael | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rodrigues | Isaac | HSFL | S16, S15, S14, F13, SUM13, S09, F08 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Communications System Engineer, Death Star Development | Profile | |
Rodrigues-Magsayo | Preston | Trainee | SUM17, SUM19 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rogers | Daniel | Fellow | F06, S07 | Manoa | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rolark | Faith | GRI | S22 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Ph.D Graduate Student, Northwestern Univeristy - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Rolland | Philippe | Fellow | S95, F95 | ~ | Meteorology | Cybersecurity Consulting SME and System Dev Lead - Linkedin | Profile | |
Roman | Morgan | Fellow | S13 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Application Penetration Tester and Application Security Engineer, Docusign - Linkedin | Profile | |
Rosbrugh | Damion | Trainee | S08, F07, S07, F06, S06 | WCC | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ross | Kristi | Trainee | F10, S11, F11, S12, F12, S13 | WCC | Liberal Arts | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rottas | Kimberly | Fellow | S11 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rovaldi | Kieran | GG 460 | S07 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Roy | Kevin | Trainee | F09, S10, S11 | Maui | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rumpungworn | Madori | Project Imua | F14, S15, F15, S16, F16 | WCC | Mechanical Engineering | Covanta, Kapolei Hawaii - Linkedin | Profile | |
Rundbaken | Victor | Intern | SUM09 | Kauai | Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering | Business Owner, Murderboat Productions - Linkedin | Profile | |
Rushing | Wyatt | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Rutter | Kenji | | F14 | Kauai | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ryan-Rolon | Kaya | Trainee | S12 | Hawaii CC | Liberal Arts | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sadoyama | Christopher | GG 460 | SUM13, S14 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Sai | Kihaakeanu | Trainee | S14, F14 | Manoa | Sociology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Saiki | Lauri | Fellow | F91, S92 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sakata | Dan | Fellow | SUM98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sakuda | Keelan | Intern | SUM09, S09, F08, SUM08 | Kauai | Kinesiology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Salacup | Reinhard Jonathan | Trainee Intern | S22 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Salas | Christopher | Trainee | F22 | Guam | | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Salseg | Jason | Trainee | S17 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Salyphone | Travis | HSFL | SUM22 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sameto | Ernie John | Trainee | S24 | Guam | Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sanchez | Gabriella | Fellow | S19 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sanders | Kiyomi | Trainee | F18, S19 | KCC | BA Physics | Currently Pending (Not Working) | Profile | |
Sanekane | Lois | Fellow | F92, S93 | UH Hio | Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Santinizio | Leon | Trainee | S09 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Santos | Alexander | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | Global Environmental Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Santos | Kainani | Trainee | S17 | Leeward | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineer, University of Hawaii at Manoa - Linkedin | Profile | |
Sayama | Jonelle | Graduate Fellow | S21, F21, F22 | UOG | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Saymo | Adrianna | Trainee | S15, F15, S16, F16, F18 | Manoa, Honolulu | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Scharf | Jamie | Fellow | F10, S11 | Hilo | Geology | CSV Engineer, Propeller Health - Linkedin | Profile | |
Schooley | Paul | Trainee Intern | S21 | Maui | Electronics and Computer Engineering Tech | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Schupp | Kristina | Trainee | S14 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Seifert | Britt | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | Atmospheric Sciences | Education Assistant, City of Fort Collins - Linkedin | Profile | |
Sender | Karen | Fellow | F91, S92 | Manoa | Geology and Geophysics | Information Architect for NOAA fisheries, NOAA - Linkedin | Profile | |
Sensano | Victoria | Trainee | S06 | Maui | Bioengineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Senter | Craig | GG 460 | S07 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrologist - Linkedin | Profile | |
Serrato | Christopher | | S21(?) | Maui | Electronic Computer Engineering and Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Seto-Mook | Tyson | | F08, S08 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Setter | Renee | ERTH460 | S22 | Manoa | Geography and Environmental Science | Graduate Student, University of Hawaii at Manoa - Linkedin | Profile | |
Sexton | Kristian | Fellow | S07 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Scientist/Engineer/Pilot/CEO, MOOSH SYSTEMS - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Shankles | Mikayla | Trainee | S19 | KCC | Pre-Engineering | Foreman, ARMY & AIRFORCE EXCHANGE SERIVE - AAFES - Linkedin | Profile | |
Shaw | Susie | Fellow | F98, S99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sherwood | Daniel | Fellow | S98, F98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Shibata | Derae | Trainee | SUM17 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Shigano | Brent | Trainee | F19, S20 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | CAD Operator, MK Engieers - Linkedin | Profile | |
Shigematsu | Keonimana | Intern | SUM09 | Kauai | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Shimabukuro | Corey | Trainee | S10 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineer, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF - Linkedin | Profile | |
Shimono | Harold | Intern | SUM09 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Shin | Kevin | Intern | SUM11 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Staff Software Engineer, Linkedin - Linkedin | Profile | |
Shinsato | Cody | Project Imua | F15, S16, F16, S17 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Owner | Founder | President | CEO, Infinityaire | Profile | |
Shiroma | Lynette | Fellow | S07 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Lead Project Engineer, Boeing - Linkedin | Profile | |
Shjegstad | Jon | GG 460 | S09 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Shultis | Alexander | Trainee | S24 | KCC | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Siegrist | Cassidy | Trainee | F18 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Silva | Jasmin | Fellow | S15, F15 | Hilo | Physics / Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sistoso | Mary | Fellow | F99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Situ | Heather | Fellow | F16 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineer I, Raytheon Technologies - Linkedin | Profile | |
Siu | Kimberly | Fellow | F96 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Skrotzki | Jeffrey | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | LSI, Falcon Surveying - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Slater | Barbara | Fellow | S97 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Smith | Connor | Trainee | F19 | WCC | Computer Engineering | Security Engineer, TEKsystems - Linkedin | Profile | |
Smith | Jason | Fellow | S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Smith | Susan | Fellow | F93, S94 | ~ | Geography and Earth Sciences | Remnants and stock location finder, Jo-Ann Stores - Linkedin | Profile | |
Smith | Tracy | Fellow | S94, F94 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Smith | Faith | ERTH460 | S24 | Manoa | Civil Engineering | Staff Engineer w/ Yogi Kwong Engineers, LLC | Currently Pending | |
Smythe | James | Fellow | S94, F94 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Snow | Joanne | Fellow | F98, S99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sokolowski | Ryan | Trainee | F19 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Building Performance Engineer, IES Ltd.- Linkedin | Profile | |
Son | Kenny | HSFL | S22 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Satellite Intergration and Testing Assistant, Hawaii Space Flight Laboratory | Profile | |
Southiphong | Andrew | | F06, S07 | HCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Spencer | Lindsey | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Spencer | Shane | Trainee | S14 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sprenger | Brennen | Project Imua | F14, S15, F15, S16, F16, F19 | Kauai | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Stammer | Sierra | ERTH460 | S20 | Manoa | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Stauffer | Alina | Fellow | F04 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Steckler | Kyle | Fellow | F17, S18 | Hilo | Physics / Astronomy | Machine Learning Solutions Engineer, Google - Linkedin | Profile | |
Steelman | Marlea | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Stenger | Angela | Fellow | F95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Stercho | Andrew | UG Sponsorship | S09 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | kW Mission Critical Engineering - Linkedin | Profile | |
Stewart | John | GG 460 | S14 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Stice | Paraluman | Fellow | S91 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Stimple | Tim | Fellow | F91, S92, F92, S93 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Stoddard | Braden | Trainee | F19, S20 | Kauai | Electronics Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Stout | Jami | Trainee | F18 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Straatman | Agnes | Trainee | F18 | KCC | Chemistry | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Studer | Brent | GG 460 | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sturges | Blake | Trainee Intern | S21 | Manoa | Aerospace Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sufak | Scott | Fellow | F00, S01 | Manoa | Mechincal Engineering | Broker/Associate, Re/Max Real Estate Group - Linkedin | Profile | |
Suncin | Oliver | RI | S24 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Sunderlin | Keith | Fellow | S00, F00 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Swantek | Elizabeth | Fellow | S20 | Manoa | Mathematics | Team Lead, Abnormal Security - Linkedin | Profile | |
Sweeney | Dylan | UG Sponsorship | SUM06 | ~ | ~ | Research Assistant, Uni. Of Flodria - Linkedin | Profile | |
Sweeney | Kevin | Fellow | F00, S01 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Swenson | Kristina | Trainee | S09 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Swilley | Brian | Trainee | S17 | KCC | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Synder | Lonnie | Fellow | F95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tabilin | Reynaldo | Trainee | S06, F06, S07 | HCC | CENT | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tachera | Diamond | Trainee | S13 | KCC | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Taga | Maxx | Trainee | F17 | KCC | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Launch Site Intergration Manager & Facility Manager | Profile | |
Taitano | Kaya | Trainee | F22 | Guam | | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Takahashi | Eric | Trainee, Fellow | F18, S20 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | ESS Support Engineer, Modtech Solutions - Linkedin | Profile | |
Takamatsu | Nicholas | Fellow | S19 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Takamiya | Reid | Fellow | F00, S01 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Takara | Grant | Trainee | S15, F15 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Owner, GTSCIENTIFIC LLC - Linkedin | Profile | |
Takasaki | Collin | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Takizawa | Lori | Fellow | F92, S93 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Takushi | Evan | Trainee Intern | S21,F21 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | System Engineer 1, Raytheon Intelligence & Space - Linkedin | Profile | |
Tamashiro | Tyler | Trainee | F05, S06, F06, S07 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tamayo | Joshua | Trainee | S13 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tamayo | Logan | Trainee | S13 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tan | Sahnybel | Fellow | SUM98 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tanaka | Leo | Trainee | F19, S20 | HCC | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tangonan | Gerimi | Trainee | F18 | HCC | Pre-Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Taniguchi | Noah | HSFL | SUM22 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tanoue | Nathan | | S07 | HCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tardona | Mary | GG 460 | S09 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Taroma | Denmark | Trainee | SUM19 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tasumura | Michelle | Fellow | F91, S91 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Taylan | Kira-Ashley | Trainee | S11 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Taylor | Jeffrey | Fellow | F00, S01 | Manoa | Marine Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Taylor | John Ryan | GRI | S23 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Taylor | Kristina | GG 460 | S11 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Taylor | Ryan | GRI | S23 | Manoa | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Teehara | Kimberly | Trainee, Fellow | S14, F14, S15, F15, S16 | Manoa | Biochemistry | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Temple | Asael | Fellow | S10 | Hilo | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Teodoro | Lean | Fellow | S17. F17, F18 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Enviromental Scientist, Enviromental Science International - Linkedin | Profile | |
Thesken | James | Intern | SUM17, SUM19 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Co-Founder - Kauai Technology Group | Profile | |
Thieme | Travis | Trainee, Fellow | F15, S15, F16 | Hilo | Astronomy / Physics | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Thomas | Nicolette | Fellow | F15, S16, F16 | Hilo | Biology / Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Thompson | Erin | Fellow | F92, S93 | UH Hilo | Physics/Math | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Thompson | Noah | Trainee | S24 | Manoa | Mecahnical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tilman | Mariah | GG 460 | S05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tobias | Carl | GG 460 | S14 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Todd | Taylor | GRI | S24 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tokumi | Roland | Fellow | S94, F94 | Manoa | Mathematics | Senior Manager Eningeering, The Walt Disney Company - Linkeidn | Profile | |
Tolentino | Reginald | Fellow | F18, S19 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tom | Alan | Fellow | SUM97 | Manoa | ~ | Retired | | |
Tomasetti | Robert | Fellow | S99 | Manoa | Zoology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tonaki | Wade | Intern, Fellow | S05, F07 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tong | Alan | Fellow | F19, S20 | Manoa | Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tong | Norman | | F09, S10 | Maui | Liberal Arts | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Torigoe | Jonathan | Intern | SUM13 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Torrence | Najier | | | North Carolina State University | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Torres | Jordan | Fellow | F07, S08, F08, S13 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | electrical Engineer, Hawaii Space Flight Labortatory - Linkedin | Profile | |
Torres II | Thomas | Trainee | F23, S24 | Guam | Civil Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Torricer | Derrick | Trainee | SUM14 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tran | Bessie | Trainee | S05 | Manoa | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tran | Geoffrey | Intern | SUM09, SUM10 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Senior Software Engineer, Google - Linkedin | Profile | |
Tran | Preston | Trainee | S16 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering | Not Working | Profile | |
Tremblay | Jason | Fellow | S17, F17 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending (hasn't updated profile) | Profile | |
Trowbridge | Abigail | Trainee | S19 | KCC | Pre-Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tsang | Irene | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tso | Ricky | Trainee | S10 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tsukamoto | Christine | Fellow | F95, S96 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tsukayama | Jessi | Trainee | S13 | Leeward | Chemistry | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Turalde | Rhon | Trainee | F17, F18 | WCC | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Turner | Nicolas | GG 460 | S16 | Hilo/Manoa | Geography | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Tuttle | Amanda | | S21 | Maui | Computer and Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Twogood | Kyle | Intern, Project Imua | S17, S16, F15, S15, F14, S14, F13, S13, F12, S12, F11, S11 | WCC | Computer Science / Creative Media | Software Engineer II, Microsoft - Linkedin | Profile | |
Uejbe | Jonathan | Intern | | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Ueno | Shyun | GG 460 | S16 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Project Geologist, Haley & Aldrich - Linkedin | Profile | |
Uyesono | Ryan | Project Imua | F15, S16, F16 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Valdivia | Syrus | Project Imua | F16, S17, F17 | HCC | Aeronautic Maintenance Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Valin | Steven | Fellow | F92, S93, F93 | UH Hilo | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
VanDeBerg | Nicole (Wade) | Fellow | F07, S10 | Manoa | Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Vaughn | Daniel | Fellow | F90, S91 | Hilo | Geology and Biology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Vega | Alejandro Ruck | Trainee | S17 | Leeward | Architecture/Civil & Environmental Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Velasquez | Andrea | Trainee | F22 | Guam | Business Administrative | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Vento | John | Intern | SUM09 | ~ | Aerospace Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Vicuna | Katlynn | Trainee | S20, F20, S21, F21, S22 | Manoa | Aerospace Engineering | Advanced Programs Intern, Lockheed Martin - Linkedin | Profile | |
Villaneueva | Suntana | Trainee | SUM19 | Maui | Engineering Technology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Villanueva | Leighton | Intern | SUM19 | Manoa | Computer Science | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Viti | Taylor | Trainee | S13 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Faculty Research Associate, National Geoelectromagnetic Facility - Linkedin | Profile | |
Wack | Wayne | Fellow | F92, S93 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wadas | Zachary | Trainee | S19 | KCC | Aerospace Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wailehua | Rosemary | Trainee | S12 | WCC | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wall | Alys | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wallace | Daniella | Trainee | F17 | KCC | Chemistry | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wallen | Jonathan | Trainee | S17 | KCC | Mechanical Engineering; Minor: Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Walsh | Nathan | HSFL | S12, SUM12 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | United States Department of Defense - Linkedin | Profile | |
Walsworth | Erin (Kunkel) | GG 460 | S14 | Manoa | Geoscience | Associate Director Enviromental Social Governance, Lantheus - Linkedin | Profile | |
Walters | Matthew | GG 460 | S09 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wann-Kung | Geena | Trainee | S17, S16 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Electronics Engineer - Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific | Profile | |
Ward | Edward | Research Intern | S23 | Hilo | Astronomy | Night Attendant, NASA Infrared Telescope - Linkedin | Profile | |
Ward | Lauren | Intern | SUM18 | Goddard Space & Flight Center | Geology | Senior Data Scientist, Exponent - Linkedin | Profile | |
Watanabe | Monte | Fellow | F07, F06, S06 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Watson | Brandon | Trainee | F16 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engieer, Northrop Grumman - Linkedin | Profile | |
Weaver | Samantha | GG 460 | S08 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Webb | Thumy | Trainee | F10 | HCC | Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Weber | Seren | ERTH460 | S22 | Manoa | NREM | Thermochemical cycling research assistant, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute - Linkedin | Profile | |
Weber | Stanley | Trainee | S11 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wedding | Lisa | Fellow | F02 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wegner | Peter | Fellow | F94, S95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Weiner | Hershel | Research Intern | S22 | Manoa | Physics | Undergraduate Researcher, Fermilab - Linkedin | Profile | |
Weinhardt | Eric | GG 460 | S14 | Manoa | Geography | Fire Controlman TTWCS Tech, USNavy - Linkedin | Profile | |
Welch | Eric | GG 460 | S18 | Manoa | Global Environmental Science, Minor: Geology | Enviromental Protection Specialist, Federal Emergency Management Agency - Linkedin | Profile | |
Wells | Tino | Fellow | F17, S18 | Hilo | Physics / Astronomy | Customer Engineer & Machine Learning, Google - Linkedin | Profile | |
Wessel | Erik | HSFL Temp. Hire | SUM14, SUM15 | Manoa | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Westerman | Steven | Intern | S15 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Whitehill | Crystal | | SUM11, SUM10, SUM09, SUM08 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wilburch | Cynthia | Fellow | F92 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wilburn | Cynthia | Fellow | F91, S92, F92 | Manoa | Geology/Geophysics | Observing Assistant,W.M Keck Observatory - Linkedin | Profile | |
Wilcox | Bradley | Trainee | SUM08 | Kauai | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Williams | Alexander | Trainee | S09, SUM09 | KCC | Liberal Arts | Network Engineer, Nakupuna - Linkedin | Profile | |
Williams | Daniel | GG 460 | S07 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Williams | Waiete | Fellow | F00 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Williams | Julia | Trainee | S24 | Manoa | Astrophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wilson | Connor | Trainee | F19,S20,F20,S21 | WCC | Education | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Winans | Brooke | Trainee | S13 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wirtz | Alyson | Trainee | S22, S23 | HCC | Astronomy/Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineer Intern, Leidos | Profile | |
Witt | Bret | Research Intern | S22 | Manoa | Computer Science | Software Engineer Intern, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Linkedin | Profile | |
Wofford | Gabriel | Fellow | SUM05 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wong | Allison | Intern | SUM16 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineer II, Martin Defense Group - Linkedin | Profile | |
Wong | Blake | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | Computer Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wong | Darren | Intern | SUM16 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Wong | Kristina | Fellow | F04 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Researcher - Linkedin | Profile | |
Wong | Lucy | Fellow | S95, F95 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Woods | Mekhi | GRI | S24 | Hilo | Astronomy & Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Worthley | Abigail | TI | S23 | WCC | Creative Media- Animation | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Woycke | Jason | Fellow | S94, F94 | ~ | Geology and Geophysics | Seninor Planner, City of Des Moines WA - Linkedin | Profile | |
Wukelic | Daniel | Fellow | S12, SUM12, F13 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineer, Electroimpact - Linkedin | Profile | |
Wyre | Lundy | | S14 | KCC | Electrical Engineering | Recurring Engineer, SEAKER Engineering INC. - Linkedin | Profile | |
Xavier | Christina | Fellow | S91, S92, F92 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Xu | PeiSheng | Intern | SUM16 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yadao | Christian Noel | Trainee | F22 | Maui | Electronics and Computer Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yadao | Christian | Trainee | S23 | Maui | Electronics and Computer Engineering Tech | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yakos | Natalie | GG 460 | S08 | Manoa | ~ | Sr. Project Manager, Philips - Linkedin | Profile | |
Yamaguchi | Marcus | Trainee | S13, F13, S14, F14, S15, F15, S16, F16 | Kauai, Honolulu, Windward, Manoa | Physics / Mathematics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yamamoto | Amanda | Fellow | F10, S11 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yamamoto | Derek | Fellow | F92, S93 | Manoa | Physics and Astronomy | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yamanaka | Gavin | Trainee | S19 | KCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yamashiro | Bryan | Fellow | F14, S15, F16 | Manoa | Physics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yamauchi | Melanie | Fellow | F00, S01 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yamura | Reid | Fellow | F08, S09 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yancey | Don | Fellow | F90, S91 | Hilo | Premedicine | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yasunaga | Chase | Trainee, Intern | S15, SUM15, F15, S16, F16 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Profile | |
Ybarra | Shannon | GG 460 | S16 | Manoa | Geology & Geophysics | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yee | Jeffrey | Fellow | F93, S94 | ~ | Mechanical Engineering | Airwave, CEO - Linkedin | Profile | |
Yee | Matthew | | S16 | Manoa | Computer Engineering | Automatic Train Control Wayside and Onbaord service Engineer, Hitachi Rail - Linkedin | Profile | |
Yeh | Michelle | Project Imua | F17 | HCC | MELE (Music & Enterainment Business/Audio Engineering Technology) | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yogi | Phillip | Fellow | F91, S92, F92 | Manoa | Geology | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yoneshige | Lance | Fellow, Masters Apprentice | F03, S04, S05, F05, S06, F06, S07, F07 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yoon | Sae | Trainee | S06 | Manoa | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
York | Jonathan | Trainee | F18 | HCC | Pre-Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Young | Georgiana | Fellow | F99 | ~ | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Young | Lee Danielle | Trainee | F17, S18 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineer, University of Hawaii John A. Burns of Medicine | Profile | |
Young | Ryan | Trainee | F18, S19 | HCC | CENT | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Young | Spencer | Trainee | S18 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Full Stack Engineer, Raven Industries - Linkedin | Profile | |
Yuen | Caleb | Trainee Intern | F21, S22, S23 | HCC | Robotic Engineering | Currently Pending (unsure about profile) | Profile | |
Yuen | Faye | | S06, F06 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yuen | Julian | | SUM08 | Manoa? | Computer Science / Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Yuro | Joe Vincent | Trainee | S21, S23 | Maui | Electronics and Computer Engineering Tech | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Zachary | Sean | Trainee | S19 | Manoa | Mechanical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Zamora | Alexis | Fellow | F07, S08 | Manoa | Microwave Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
Zepeda | Vanessa | Intern | S19, F19 | Hilo | Astrobiology | Higher Degree Reseacher, Queensland University of Technology - Linkedin | Profile | |
Zidek | Aolani Ann | Project Imua | F17, F18 | WCC | ~ | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |
| Dennis | Fellow | S06, F06, S07, F07, S08 | Manoa | Electrical Engineering | Currently Pending | Currently Pending | |