20 Minute Live Video Downloadlink Program Sponsored by Hawai’i Space Grant Consortium, Punahou School, ‘Olelo Community Television, and the Department of Education

STS-119 astronauts and Hawai‘i students enjoyed a spectacular, 20-minute live video downlink today. The program was sponsored by Hawai‘i Space Grant Consortium, Punahou School, ‘Olelo Community Television, and the state Department of Education. It took the coordination of technical resources and dozens of people in multiple agencies to make this downlink so successful. Space Grant’s own Art Kimura reminded everyone that the program was the only live downlink with students during this shuttle mission. NASA allowed the downlink time to extend a little longer than originally planned so that all 20 students could ask their questions. Students ranged in grades from 3 to 12 and they came from Pearl City Elementary, Stevenson Middle, Punahou, Noelani Elementary, Manoa Elementary, Gus Webling Elementary, Mid Pacific Institute, Lincoln Elementary, and St. Ann’s. Here are links to the extended media coverage. These links open in new pages.
KITV News (ABC affiliate),
KHON News (FOX affiliate),
KGMB News (CBS affiliate): morning live news, and evening news,
KHNL News (NBC affiliate),
Honolulu Advertiser (front page, March 28) http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=200990327028, and

Honolulu Star Bulletin (front page, March 28) http://www.starbulletin.com/multimedia/photo_galleries/viewer/?galID=42046992, and

NASA News Release

The astronauts landed safely on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 3:14 p.m. EDT at NASA Kennedy Space Center, Florida after their 12-day mission to the International Space Station. NASA’s STS-119 Mission Web site

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